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ProClean NJ Inc. - Preventing the spread of COVID-19

ProClean NJ Inc. is committed to your safety. We continue to provide essential services with these important precautions

We want to thank you for the trust you have placed in ProClean NJ Inc Inc. and the services we provide. We consider it an honor to work for you and we don’t take this relationship lightly.

The recent events and mandates our community and nation are facing have not been seen by most of us in our lifetimes and are causing a lot of fear and anxiety.

We want you to know that ProClean is committed to the safety and well-being of our customers and our employees. We have proactively put new systems in place to ensure the safety of your family and our team during these challenging times.

  • First, if our employees are sick or not feeling well or have sick family members, they will be required to stay home.

    • When our techs arrive at your home, they will greet you but not shake your hand.

    • We have installed portable hand washing systems on each of our trucks and our techs will be washing their hands frequently and wearing protective gloves. In addition, their mouths will be covered.

    • Techs will wipe down their tools and devices with anti-viral cleaner before and after each use.

As more families stay home and use their fireplaces and appliances, we will be doing our part to prevent disruptions in essential services while protecting you and your family.

Thank you for the trust and confidence you have placed in ProClean NJ Inc. over the years.

We look forward to serving you soon.

COVID-19 Response for Air Duct Cleaners
Stay Safe - Stay Healthy

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